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Fuller working lives in construction
Fuller working lives in construction
Migration and UK Construction 2021 - Migration | CITB
The end of EU freedom of movement and the introduction of a new Points Based Immigration System was always going to be a challenge for the construction industry. CITB’s 5th study on Migration in the UK Construction Industry examines the impact of
Scottish construction apprenticeships come out on top,…
Figures recently released by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) indicate construction apprenticeships have bounced back from the pandemic, stronger than ever.
Plant operation: civil engineering plant and construction …
This apprenticeship course is for people who want to gain an academic qualification in plant operating, while gaining professional experience. You'll learn to operate various items of plant safely and efficiently, and to carry out basic maintenance
NVQ Level 6 Diploma in Construction Site Management
The level 6 Diploma is for construction site managers who are looking to achieve an NVQ management qualification through a formal traditional course. The course includes six one-day taught modules over six months, and two onsite assessment visits
Scottish construction industry: committed to apprentices…
Scotland’s construction firms have continued to demonstrate their commitment to apprenticeships despite the impact of Covid-19, according to new figures which come ahead of Scottish Apprenticeship Week (March 1-5).
Supply chain school – strategic partnership
The project delivers a 5 year strategic collaboration with the CITB as a trusted advisor on skills issues within the sector to significantly increase the level of training within the supply chain and help to promote and enable innovation.
Passport to Construction (Pathways into Construction -…
Each programme will run for 6 weeks delivering work readiness and confidence building as well as developing practical construction related skills including sites visits and work placements on various construction sites across North Wales.
Construction Skills Fund: helping people get engaged with …
Director of Policy Steve Radley reflects on the new Construction Skills Fund and how the industry can work to make sure it has a lasting impact.
Cladding Occupations; Roof Sheeting and Wall Cladding…
This apprenticeship course is for people who want to gain a vocational qualification in Cladding occupations: Roof sheeting and wall cladding while gaining industry experience. You’ll receive training in the theory of roof sheeting and wall
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