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651 - 660 of 1,366 search results for nebosh construction where 27 match all words and 1,339 match some words.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations

The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations (CDM 2015) are the main set of regulations for managing the health, safety and welfare of construction projects. CDM applies to all building and construction work and includes new build, demolition,

Factors Practice (HFP) in the UK Construction & Built …

The project will produce a research paper on Human Factors Practice (HFP) for specific use within the UK Construction & Built Environment (CBE) sector. HFP is closley linked to leadership and management skills. The paper will conclude with

Green roofs

The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to install Green roofs onto an existing liquid roofing system.

Plant Mechanic Apprenticeship Level 2 Land Based Service…

Typically 18 to 24 months working towards the apprenticeship standard, a minimum of 20% of this time is to be completed as off the job training. College attendance is completed in blocks of 1-4 weeks duration and counts towards the off the job