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Productivity - reducing rework - Kier (commission)
The project will increase productivity by reducing the errors and defects that cause rework. Modules and e-learning will be developed and piloted that will deliver a ‘right first time’ culture at leadership level of organisations. To make the
Developing timber frame manufacturing competence
The project will provide new competency based training materials which have been prioritised due to immediate demand from industry. These training materials will be available for electronic use.
Recruitment and Assessment Capacity Building
This project seeks to build the capacity of Glasgow Clyde College’s (GCC) work based assessment capability by creating a pool of occupationally competent and qualified training and assessment staff.
Environmental management in construction - SSP
On completion of this standard the delegate will gain a comprehensive introduction to environmental issues on construction sites.
Developing Digital Leadership Skills in Construction SMEs …
This project will help leaders of small and medium employers identify digital solutions that increase productivity by exploring repetitive, time consuming process and other areas of waste, and identify digital solutions. Solutions will be taken
Construction employment and training forecast 2000-2004
Construction employment and training forecast 2000-2004
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2007-2011 -…
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2007-2011 - Scotland
Digital leaders: taking action on construction’s digital…
Digital leaders: taking action on construction’s digital future (Giving leaders the skills to drive digital change)
Construction needs to rethink how it attracts its…
Construction employers are being encouraged to rethink how they attract their workforce as competition for skilled workers gets more intense. The industry faces a tough challenge to meet its recruitment needs in a labour market that is running hot
CDM Wizard
The CDM Wizard is a free app, available for smartphone, tablets (iOS and Android devices) and can be used on your desktop computer or laptop. It helps you to plan and organise your construction job, and work together with others involved to make
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