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Managing profitable construction - the skills profile
Managing profitable construction - the skills profile
Market assessment for the construction industry
Market assessment for the construction industry
Skills needs analysis for construction 2004
Skills needs analysis for construction 2004
Skills needs of specialists in construction
Skills needs of specialists in construction
Thousands more people into Welsh construction – CITB’s…
Supporting training and retraining to rebuild after the recovery, improving productivity and making it easier to help employers bring in apprentices and other new entrants to Welsh construction are key elements of CITB’s Strategic Plan.
Build to last - reviewing sustainability construction
This review highlights where CITB-ConstructionSkills might effectively channel its efforts to help the construction industry make its full contribution to sustainable development (SD).
Digital skills development for the Architecture,…
9 Workshops and 42 subsequent 1-2-1 learning interventions focussing on digital skills in the sector.
Heritage Construction in Wales: strengthening the sector…
The project will increase the uptake of heritage training within Wales, increasing the number of qualifications delivered and increasing awareness of the heritage sector within the construction industry.
Promotion of careers in construction through school and…
Commission: School and Employer Engagement to improve the appeal of working in construction. The project will deliver a system of engagement between schools, colleges, Skills Development Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland, construction
The construction industry early leavers survey
The construction industry early leavers survey
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