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Lightning protection operative apprenticeship course
This apprenticeship course is for people who want to gain an academic qualification in lightning protective operative, while gaining professional experience. You’ll learn how to carry out repairs, maintenance and renovation work on high
CISRS Operative Training Scheme (COTS)
This 1 day course is for people who are new to scaffolding. Existing CISRS Scaffolding Labourer (green) Card holders also need to take this course to renew their card every five years. The course teaches the basics of the industry and how to work
CPCS Dump Truck Articulated Chassis - experienced…
This course is for experienced operators of dump truck with an articulated chassis, who need a formal qualification. You gain the CPCS trained operator card (red card) on passing the technical test at the end.
CISRS Basic Access System Erector (BASE)
This 5 day course is for non-scaffolders, who erect, alter and dismantle simple system scaffold structures within restricted environments.
CPCS Appointed Persons: Lifting Operations A61
This 5-day course is suitable for supervisors and managers with responsibility for lifting operations. This course will give you an understanding of the appointed person’s responsibilities and how to fulfil them. On passing the technical tests,
CPCS Slinger/Signaller A40 (2 days) - for experienced…
This 4 day course is for people with limited or no experience of slinging and signalling, who want to gain entry into the lifting industry. On passing the technical tests, we will apply for the CPCS trained operator card (red card) on your behalf.
Rapid response by construction industry to Carillion…
Construction giant Carillion went into liquidation in January, leaving the jobs of more than 43,000 employees, including 1,148 apprentices in England, at risk. Carillion’s work spanned projects such as the Battersea Power station redevelopment,
Liquid spray systems
Liquid spray systems
Tapered insulation systems
Tapered insulation systems
Single pack polyurethanes
Single pack polyurethanes
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