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Working with lead in pitched roofing
Working with lead in pitched roofing
Plain tiling introduction
Plain tiling introduction
Timber frame repair using flexible epoxy resin -…
The purpose of Timber frame repair using flexible epoxy resin – Refresher standard is for delegates who have previously passed training to the full Timber frame repair using flexible epoxy resin standard or subsequent refresher training and can
Inspection, maintenance and repairs for liquid roofing
Inspection, maintenance and repairs for liquid roofing
Machine control for machine operators
The purpose of this standard is to understand the principles and practices of using machine control for any aspect of groundworks and road construction. It is aimed at machine operators who are required to work with machine control equipment.
Ventilating pitched roofing
Ventilating pitched roofing
Hire Equipment Service Technician (HEST) - electrical…
The purpose of this standard is to give the Hire Service technician the required skills and knowledge to safely complete inspections of specified equipment, identify specific faults and record findings.
Recruit an apprentice in Scotland
How to recruit an apprentice in Scotland and the support you can receive from CITB.
Recoating roofs of metal, asbestos, and fibre-cement
Recoating roofs of metal, asbestos, and fibre-cement
Skills needs, new recruits and the challenges ahead’s…
Helping employers with their immediate skills needs, clear information to attract new recruits including from FE, and tackling long-term challenges underpin CITB’s England Plan, published today (7 April).
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