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Roof felt products and application
Roof felt products and application
Dry-fixed systems
Dry-fixed systems
Information sources and fixing specifications
Information sources and fixing specifications
Environmental management in construction - SSP
On completion of this standard the delegate will gain a comprehensive introduction to environmental issues on construction sites.
Working with lead alternatives
Working with lead alternatives
Environmental supervision in construction training - SSP
Also known as Site Environmental Awareness Training Scheme (SEATS) and Introduction to environmental awareness in construction training. The purpose of this standard is to ensure the learner will know how to manage, protect, mitigate and improve
Environmental management in construction - refresher
The purpose of Environmental management in construction – refresher course is for delegates who have previously passed the full Environmental management in construction course or subsequent refresher course and can provide proof of attendance.
Preparation and use of mortar
Preparation and use of mortar
Batten and membrane installation
The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to install battens and membrane for a new slate and/or tile roof.
Leak detection methods for liquid roofing
Leak detection methods for liquid roofing
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