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Results that match 3 of 4 words
Construction Industry Research Reports
Explore CITB research and insights. including Construction Skills Network (CSN) reports.
National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC)
Learn about the National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) and how you can be part of the NSAfC programme and network
Employer Networks
Employer Networks are an initiative set up and funded by CITB aiming to simplify the way you get the support and funding you need to access the training you want. It’s all part of the service. Collectively employers are shaping the way funds
Scaffolding & Access Courses at the NCC
CISRS courses to get carded and SITS.
Executive Management Team Bios
Find out more about the management team
Courses Available for Site Safety Plus (SSP)
Site Safety Plus (SSP) courses are designed to give everyone from operative to senior manager the skills they need to progress through the industry. There are a range of courses available either through classroom/remote delivery or the CITB eCourses
Essential mental health and wellbeing for construction…
The Health and Safety at Work Act requires employers to ensure not only the health and safety of employees but also their wellbeing.
In-Company & Bespoke Training (Tailored for You)
Established over 60 years ago National Construction College is dedicated to providing training so you have a skilled, competent and inclusive workforce now and in the future. The National Construction College has over 100 courses available for
Short duration achievement grants
We pay grants for the achievement of approved short courses, which last from 3 hours to 29 days and are focused on the core construction skills needed across the industry.
Site Safety Plus Courses For Construction Skills
The Site Safety Plus (SSP) suite of courses provides the building, civil engineering and allied industries with a range of courses for people seeking to develop skills in this area.
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