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71 - 80 of 243 search results for produce health and safety policy where 4 match all words and 239 match some words.

Results that match 3 of 4 words

Apprenticeship Levy

The Government Apprenticeship Levy requires all UK employers with an annual pay bill of more than £3 million to pay 0.5% of their wage bill to the Government’s Apprenticeship Service. In England, this is used to pay for apprenticeship course fees.

Modern slavery statement

CITB's responsibilities to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking do not take place in its supply chains or business operations

Card schemes

Learn about other recognised construction card schemes. Find information about applying for and renewing cards, including CSCS and CPCS.

Framework modules and supporting resources

There are five core modules and accompanying documents and templates in the Be FaIR Framework. Each module is construction focused and role specific, and covers all the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010.

CPCS Slinger/signaller A40 (4 days)

This 4 day course is for people with limited or no experience of slinging and signalling, who want to gain entry into the lifting industry. On passing the technical tests, we will apply for the CPCS trained operator card (red card) on your behalf.