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What Support Will I Get as an Apprentice?
Learn about the personal support CITB offers to all its apprentices throughout their apprenticeship
A twin-track strategy for Brexit-related skills…
The date for leaving the European Union is fast approaching. And as the deadline nears, one thing, amidst all the political uncertainty and debate, is for sure – employers are finding it harder to recruit skilled construction workers.
How CITB decides if a course is eligible for grant
The criteria for deciding whether CITB will pay grants on courses and qualifications.
Regional construction labour and skills research
CITB undertakes detailed analysis of construction demand and supply for Local Enterprise Partnership areas.
Fairness, Inclusion and Respect - it makes good business…
With over 25 years’ experience, Briony Wickenden is a construction advocate who’s focused on making the industry better for all. With a background in HR, Briony is currently Head of Training and Development at CECA and also heads up the
Clear, simple and delivering value – CITB’s new Business…
CITB's mission is to attract and support the development of people to construct a better Britain. Perhaps in the past you haven't heard us talk about it enough.
New campaign to change young people's minds about…
With 168,500 construction job opportunities being created by 2023, CITB has launched a new campaign to help get more young people on the tools. The industry needs to change the hearts and minds of under-25s to address the skills shortage, as 71% of
Applying for short course grants
CITB Registered employers can apply for CITB grants for approved short courses (training that lasts from a minimum of 3 hours to maximum 29 days).
Enabling the enablers: Using CITB funding for specialist…
From upskilling staff to attracting new recruits and increasing the services they offer, the team at Sanctus have enjoyed a wealth of benefits as a result of applying to CITB’s Skills and Training Fund.
Specialist Applied-skills Programme (SAP) grant
We pay grant for learners on the Specialist Applied-skills Programme (SAPs). These programmes last 18 months and contain several related modules, leading to a Level 2 or 3 National or Scottish Vocational Qualification (NVQ or SVQ).
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