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NVQ Level 6 Diploma in Construction Site Management
The level 6 Diploma is for construction site managers who are looking to achieve an NVQ management qualification through a formal traditional course. The course includes six one-day taught modules over six months, and two onsite assessment visits
NVQ Level 4 Diploma in Construction Site Supervision
This course is for supervisors and assistant site managers who are looking to gain an NVQ qualification through a formal traditional course. The level 4 Diploma in Construction Site Management is for supervisors and assistant site managers working
Levy registration review form | CITB | Appeals
Only complete this form if you are an employer but believe that your business is not wholly or mainly engaged in construction industry activities. If your business is not an employer please email us at
Details, terminations, flashings, gutters, night seals,…
Details, terminations, flashings, gutters, night seals, faults and rectification
NVQ Level 3 Diploma in occupational work supervision
This course is for supervisors who are looking to gain an NVQ qualification through a formal traditional course. The level 3 Diploma in Occupational Work Supervision is for subcontractor supervisors and gangers.
VINCI and City of York Council – putting social value and …
Many new entrants to construction leave the industry early in their career. VINCI Construction’s solution? Helping them find their passion.
Confined Spaces In Construction Low Risk
The purpose of this standard is to provide operatives with an understanding of the requirements of and practice in working in low and medium risk confined space environments.
SPA Petrol Retail – Forecourt Contractors
SPA Petrol Retail – Forecourt Contractors
Fitted furniture renovation - Refresher
The purpose of the Fitted furniture renovation - Refresher standard is for delegates who have previously passed training to the full Fitted furniture renovation standard or subsequent refresher training and can provide proof of attendance.
Recoating roofs of metal, asbestos, and fibre-cement
Recoating roofs of metal, asbestos, and fibre-cement
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