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Apprenticeship Courses at the NCC
Apprenticeship courses in cranes, roofing, scaffolding, steel fixing and more
Routes to Competence
How does a Route to Competence (RTC) benefit the construction industry?
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Plant Maintenance Courses at the NCC
Courses in Testing and Inspecting and maintaining plant machinery
Be FaIR accreditation
Construction employers who take up the Be FaIR Framework to use in their company, can also choose to be accredited under the framework. Getting accredited under the framework shows to both your employees as well as partners that you are serious
Our Board, the Members & Committees
About our board, members of the board, meeting dates, and committees
About the CITB Levy - Does it apply to you & cost?
About the CITB Levy
Cookies policy
This site, like many others, uses small files called Cookies which help us customise your experience.
What is Net Zero? | Net Zero Explained
To combat climate change, the UK became one of the first countries to commit to becoming net zero. But what is net zero, and what does it mean for construction?
CITB eCourses | Health & Safety Courses, 100% Online
All of CITB's online eCourses are ideal for anyone who wants to learn at their own pace, anytime, anywhere. No tutor required, 100% remote.
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