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Consensus 2025
Your industry, your voice. Find out more and take part in the CITB Levy consultation.
Fraudulent Construction Scheme Cards [Fake Vs Genuine]
Construction scheme card fraud is a serious issue for the industry. We work closely with the police and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to gather evidence to prosecute fraudulent behaviour and bring criminals to account. We are also committed to
Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs)
Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) are a new employer-led initiative from the Department for Education (DfE) in England. They aim to reshape skills training provision to better meet the local needs of employers and the wider economy. CITB has
Industry Funding Committee
Find out about the Industry Funding committee who advises our Board on our Industry Funding strategy, policy and investments
Diary of a CITB Engagement Adviser
My job is to help firms get all the funding they’re eligible for, writes CITB Engagement Adviser Abbie Langridge.
Internet Test Centres (ITC) support
An Internet Test Centre (ITC) is a centre approved by CITB to provide testing facilities for tests such as the Health, Safety and Environment (HS&E) test.
"Why not build something good?"
21-year-old Chanell Fraser-Kellman from northwest London decided early on that she wouldn’t choose the path taken by many of her contemporaries at school – crime, drug-taking, carrying knives – so instead she joined the construction industry.
Labour Forecasting Tool
Allows you to predict the labour demand on individual projects across construction companies
How to complete your Levy Return
How to complete your Levy Return
Competence Frameworks
Competence Frameworks will set out and define the core competence requirements for individuals across the built environment. They are made up of a Route to Competence and a SKEB document (Skills, Knowledge, Experience & Behaviour) and an
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