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Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 14 May 2020
Today’s update begins with a video explaining why CITB has had to make difficult funding decisions in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
CITB mourns the death of Her Majesty The Queen
Chair Peter Lauener and CEO Tim Balcon said: “Everyone at CITB is deeply saddened about the passing of HM The Queen. The Queen was an extraordinary figure, one of the greatest Britons of all time and an inspiration to many across the world.
The importance of evaluating CITB Funding
CITB is taking the first tentative steps into adopting a long-term “evaluation” mindset. Now what do I mean when I say “evaluation”?
CPCS Crane Supervisor A62
This course will enable you to undertake the duties of a crane supervisor as defined by the appointed person. You will learn how to comply with legislation, regulations, Codes of Practice and industrial requirements. You gain the CPCS trained
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 21 May 2020
Today’s email includes news on the latest number of Test Centres to re-open in England; a new Buildathon competition winner; and a refresh on CITB’s support measures for industry.
Payments and spend over £25,000
Information on the payments we have made that are over £25,000. These reports are produced monthly
Steelfixing apprenticeship course
This apprenticeship course is for people who want to gain a vocational qualification in steelfixing, while gaining industry experience. You’ll learn a host of steelfixing skills, such as positioning and fixing reinforced steel, as well as
Crackdown on fraud in construction testing
Organised crime in London, the Midlands and the North West is cashing in on pent-up demand for construction testing resulting from the months of lockdown, and CITB needs your help to stop it.
“Construction is a really good career choice”
Mum-of-two Ceri Camilleri spent 20 years in teaching before switching careers and entering the world of construction. CITB Wales spoke to Ceri, at our Employer Roadshow in Cardiff.
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 8 July 2020
Today's key messages focus on news of funding for the CLC’s Talent Retention Scheme (TRS); a scheme to support both employers and workers in the recovery of Covid-19; and an update on Site Operating Procedures.
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