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Pathways to skills accreditation for hard to reach…
The project will support a demographic of hard to reach workers who require their skills to be recognised, wish to develop or change careers within the sector. It will do so by building assessor capacity and delivering relevant qualifications to
Scottish construction industry: committed to apprentices…
Scotland’s construction firms have continued to demonstrate their commitment to apprenticeships despite the impact of Covid-19, according to new figures which come ahead of Scottish Apprenticeship Week (March 1-5).
Temporary Works Co-ordinator Training Course (TWCTC)
This two day course is designed to assist those on site who have responsibility for managing all forms of temporary works. It is also designed to give confidence to senior management and those who engage with contractors, to reach an assessed
Bovey Construction sees improvements from funded training …
Based in Devon, Bovey specialises in complex high-quality projects and employs over 30 skilled construction professionals. It wanted to increase profitability by planning better, reducing waste and defects.
“CITB funding helped us grow our workforce and take on…
Ainsley Construction hadn’t claimed a CITB grant for three years when Gareth Quinlan joined the company.
C: General safety
Get general safety guidance for health and safety from our list of organisations and websites.
Equality and diversity policy
The policy covers CITB requirements for equality of opportunity, diversity and considerations for special access and particular assessment requirements for delegates and candidates.
Fees to be an ATO
The fees to be a CITB Approved Training Organisation (ATO).
Training a quarter-million workers as pandemic loomed –…
CITB supported the training of nearly a quarter of a million construction workers in the last financial year, according to newly published accounts.
Stewart Milne’s 1,678 hours of training amid Covid-19 –…
Scottish housebuilder Stewart Milne completes 1,678 hours of online training during lockdown.
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