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331 - 340 of 480 search results for site safety plus where 323 match all words and 157 match some words.

Results that match 2 of 3 words

Be FaIR accreditation

Construction employers who take up the Be FaIR Framework to use in their company, can also choose to be accredited under the framework. Getting accredited under the framework shows to both your employees as well as partners that you are serious

CSF gives Paul new appetite for life

In February 2020, 54-year old print manager Paul Whitlock decided it was time for a fresh start and to undertake a new challenge. Having refurbished a few properties in his spare time he decided to set up as a painter and decorator as it was


Support material to help you and your team remain safe

CPCS Crane Supervisor A62

This course will enable you to undertake the duties of a crane supervisor as defined by the appointed person. You will learn how to comply with legislation, regulations, Codes of Practice and industrial requirements. You gain the CPCS trained

CPCS Excavator 180° Wheeled

This nine-day course is for people with limited or no experience of using 180 degree wheeled excavators. You will learn to operate and maintain machines above and below 5 tonnes. On passing the technical tests, we will apply for the CPCS trained