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131 - 140 of 374 search results for small tools training where 33 match all words and 341 match some words.

Results that match 2 of 3 words

Levelling and setting out (2 days)

This two-day training course is for workers whose job involves using automatic or laser levels for measuring and setting out of construction elements. This course is a companion to the three-day Total Station for Construction course.

Digital skills programme

The project will pilot digital skills development for small building and construction companies (employing up to 20 people) delivering skills to compete and run businesses in a digital environment.

Sarah Beale's end of year message 2018

Hello everyone, As we approach Christmas, I wanted to share my thoughts and reflect on what has been a productive, transformative and challenging year at CITB.

Building Mental Health

The project will increase the awareness of mental health within the construction sector by training 288 Mental Health first Aid practioners (instructors) who in turn will train 2 day mental health First Aiders within the sector.