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Business Improvement in Construction: Business Analysis…
This course is intended for owners and senior managers of small and medium businesses who wish to improve their skills and understanding of business analysis and the business planning process.
"CDM regulations are just as important now as they…
Today marks three years since the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM) came into place.
Hints and tips
These hints and tips come from real-world experiences of National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) project leaders and co-ordinators.
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This website is run by the Construction Industry Training Board. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website.
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This site, like many others, uses small files called Cookies which help us customise your experience.
On-site T Level Competency Pilot
Onsite Construction T Levels were launched in September 2021 with just over 100 students. T Levels are based on the same standards as apprenticeships, which gives students a strong grounding in their specialist area. Students can specialise in
Fraudulent Construction Scheme Cards [Fake Vs Genuine]
Construction scheme card fraud is a serious issue for the industry. We work closely with the police and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to gather evidence to prosecute fraudulent behaviour and bring criminals to account. We are also committed to
Maintaining standards after time off the tools
Furloughed construction workers can polish up their skills after time off the job on coronavirus lockdown.
The history of CITB, from its set-up in 1964, key milestones, to present day and looking ahead to the future.
Request access to CTR for non-Levy registered employers
If you are a non-Levy registered employer who wants access to the Construction Training Register (CTR), complete this online form.
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