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What we do
Find out how to build a better Britain, we promote and inspire people to join a diverse industry.
Grants & Funding for Training Courses
CITB grants & funding covers day to day training, including short courses, qualifications and apprenticeships. Find out more about training grants
Our Councils - Membership & National Insights
Scope and objectives of the Nation Councils, and members of our Nation Councils
About Training Groups
CITB supports over 88 Training Groups across England, Scotland and Wales.
About the CITB Levy - Does it apply to you & cost?
About the CITB Levy
Executive Management Team Bios
Find out more about the management team
How We Use & Distribute the Levy
CITB’s levy supports the British construction industry to develop the skilled workforce it needs.
Tool hire product awareness training (THPAT) - small…
This standard is designed to enable hire staff to inspect, test and record the safety of small plant, including mini diggers and dumpers, skip loaders, driven barrows etc.
How CITB decides if a course is eligible for grant
The criteria for deciding whether CITB will pay grants on courses and qualifications.
Commissioned projects
Commissioned projects
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