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71 - 80 of 374 search results for small tools training where 33 match all words and 341 match some words.

Results that match 2 of 3 words

Preserving our heritage skills

As the name subtly suggests, the restoration of ecclesiastical architecture is at the heart of Recclesia – an historic building conservation contractor based in Chester, North Wales.

CISRS Operative Training Scheme (COTS)

This 1 day course is for people who are new to scaffolding. Existing CISRS Scaffolding Labourer (green) Card holders also need to take this course to renew their card every five years. The course teaches the basics of the industry and how to work

Green roofs

The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to install Green roofs onto an existing liquid roofing system.

Stress: know the signs and act

In Mental Health Awareness Week, we take a look at stress, what it is, how to recognise it in ourselves and others, and how to deal with it.

Framework modules and supporting resources

There are five core modules and accompanying documents and templates in the Be FaIR Framework. Each module is construction focused and role specific, and covers all the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010.

Plant Hire SME Growth and Development

The project will provide training to meet the current skills shortage in plant operation by delivering business skills which will allow micro employers to grow and build capacity for the sector.

BCTG Supervisor Development Programme

The project will address the technical skills gaps identified by BCTG members and the wider construction industry through the introduction of a co-designed and co-delivered online learning platform.

A twin-track strategy for Brexit-related skills…

The date for leaving the European Union is fast approaching. And as the deadline nears, one thing, amidst all the political uncertainty and debate, is for sure – employers are finding it harder to recruit skilled construction workers.