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Tylorstown bricklayer is Inspirational Apprentice of the…
Joshua Williams, a 24 year old bricklayer from Tylorstown, has been named Inspirational Apprentice of the Year at the 2019 CITB Apprenticeship Awards.
Clear, simple and delivering value – CITB’s new Business…
CITB's mission is to attract and support the development of people to construct a better Britain. Perhaps in the past you haven't heard us talk about it enough.
East of England
Find out about financial support, training and events for your business in East of England
On-Site Assessment and Training (OSAT)
This project will reduce the skills gap and increase training expenditure by delivering a programme of enhancements to SME employers in the finishes and interiors sector to achieve L2 NVQs in appropriate occupation.
Building Your Business, Doing The Job
The project will address the common obstacles faced by construction sector SME’s, and will improve the long term growth and financial sustainability of the company. The project is a business programme combining structured workshops which address
The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to install wooden shingles.
Cash injection from CITB makes social enterprise more…
At Langloch Farm in Lanark, a small town in bonny central Scotland, there’s a social enterprise that buzzes with positive energy.
Our funding priorities
CITB funding aims to help industry address the skills gap in construction. We invest in projects aligned to our three priorities.
£1m for East Midlands businesses to boost digital…
We are inviting Nottinghamshire and East Midlands businesses to find out more about funding opportunities worth a total £1million during an event near Newark on 24 April.
Spotlight on construction during National Apprenticeship…
A new Construction Traineeship has been launched at the start of National Apprenticeship Week 2021.
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