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Health, Safety & Environment test for Managers and…

The Health, Safety and Environment (HS&E) test for Managers and Professionals, and the accompanying revision materials, are changing. The content has been updated to ensure that it is suitable for today’s managers and professionals, taking into

Conflict of interest policy

All activity carried out by CITB’s Approved Training Organisations (ATO) and approved centre network including Site Safety Plus (SSP), Construction Plant Competence Scheme (CPCS) and Internet Test Centres (ITC). Including but not limited to the

Health and Safety Awareness (HSA)

This course highlights potential hazards when working on site and provides practical advice on keeping yourself and your colleagues safe. It covers your individual and employer’s responsibilities, including what you can do if you think anyone’s

Terms and conditions for ATOs

Before you can become a CITB Approved Training Organisation (ATO), you will need to read and understand the terms and conditions (see list of documents below) and electronically sign the forms of agreement (this is done in the Construction Training