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561 - 570 of 891 search results for ssp grants where 243 match all words and 648 match some words.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Batten and membrane installation

The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to install battens and membrane for a new slate and/or tile roof.

Leading the construction industry

The project will develop a toolkit to attract, train and retain a suitably skilled workplace. The toolkit can be adapted and branded to meet the needs of the organisation. It will develop new frameworks and sustainable structures to enable members

Requirements for ATOs

To become a CITB ATO, you will need to read the following requirements, and terms and conditions documents. You will also need to complete the respective forms of agreement.

Advanced Craft Certificate grant

We pay grants for learners' attendance on and achievement of a course that leads to the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) Advanced Craft Certificate in a subject related to construction.

Levy registration review form | CITB

Only complete this form if you are an employer but believe that your business is not wholly or mainly engaged in construction industry activities. If your business is not an employer please email us at and do not complete this