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Batten and membrane installation
The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to install battens and membrane for a new slate and/or tile roof.
Suites of National Occupational Standards
Find information about your National Occupational Standards suite, including its relevant frameworks, structures and projects.
NCC safeguarding
At CITB, we are committed to safeguarding all learners. Whilst we have a legal duty, we also recognise our moral duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of all members of our learning community. This includes when our apprentices are working with
Site Supervision Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS and…
This course is for you if you’re considering, or already have, supervisory responsibilities.
Trade taster sessions build pupils’ interests in…
Pupils from two Cornwall schools have teamed up with the Construction Industry Training Board and local business RG Kellow Ltd to try their hand at a range of building trades.
Drone technology in the construction and engineering…
Drone technology in the construction and engineering environments
Requirements for ATOs
To become a CITB ATO, you will need to read the following requirements, and terms and conditions documents. You will also need to complete the respective forms of agreement.
Hire of cartridge and IC fixing tools
The purpose of this standard is to give candidates an understanding of policies and procedures relating to the safe hire of cartridge and IC fixing tools.
Levelling and setting out by tape
Levelling and setting out by tape
Hire procedures and practical applications
The purpose of this standard is to train staff and supervisors to complete the checks and basic maintenance required to ensure equipment is supplied in an as new condition. The training will include practical elements relating to the correct
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