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1 - 10 of 69 search results for telescopic handling renewal test where 0 match all words and 69 match some words.

Results that match 3 of 4 words

Concrete identity testing

This training standard is designed for candidates who undertake or supervise identity testing on site and to understand the significance of the test methods and assessment of results.

Reinforced concrete for engineers and supervisors

This standard aims to provide learners including engineers’ foreman, supervisors, gangers and graduates with knowledge and understanding of inspecting, pouring and testing of products relating to steel reinforcement, formwork and poured concrete.

Cold weather concreting

This training standard is designed for candidates who are involved in the concreting operations. The focus is on realistic design and site preventative measures for concreting in cold weather, covering both short and long term damage mechanisms.


The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to install wooden shingles.