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Defect survey and repair
Defect survey and repair
Terms of funding: Skills and Training fund
This is a supporting legal document which you should read before completing an application form.
Roof felt products and application
Roof felt products and application
Dry-fixed systems
Dry-fixed systems
The impact of the recession on construction professional…
The impact of the recession on construction professional services
Jobs boost for Brits in construction sector Brexit bounce …
A third of construction companies expect to provide more jobs for British workers as the sector rises to challenges presented by Brexit and Covid-19.
Working with lead alternatives
Working with lead alternatives
Batten and membrane installation
The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to install battens and membrane for a new slate and/or tile roof.
Qualification achievements in construction
Qualification achievements in construction
Leak detection methods for liquid roofing
Leak detection methods for liquid roofing
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