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371 - 380 of 780 search results for working at height where 101 match all words and 679 match some words.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Future Starts In Construction

The project will deliver a series of construction industry taster days. These tester days will offer progression into 5-day construction pre-employment programmes, whereby young people will gain CSCS accreditation and receive 5-10 days’ work

Incident investigation

This one day course is aimed at those who will either lead or assist in the investigation of accidents and incidents in the workplace. This will enable you to assist and carryout incident investigations in the construction workplace.

Research Investment Fund - CECA

This project was commissioned to provide empirical evidence of the scale of the skills gap and skills shortage in the profession of the Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW).

Master Ground Worker Programme

The project will pilot and test a programme of training which will instil the latest technical and practical skills in the ground working sector, an area which is increasingly focussing on environmental and technical concerns.