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Results of CITB funding
Find out how commissions have benefitted the construction industry
Levy registration review form | CITB
Only complete this form if you are an employer but believe that your business is not wholly or mainly engaged in construction industry activities. If your business is not an employer please email us at and do not complete this
New Entrant Support Team
New Entrant Support Team
Temporary Works Supervisor
This 1-day course will provide you with thorough knowledge of the role of a Temporary Works Supervisor, including a sound understanding of the risk management of temporary works. It is suitable for people with experience of being responsible for
Apprentices talk to podcast for National Apprenticeship…
To celebrate this year’s National Apprenticeship Week, we’ve teamed up with the Construction Talk podcast to bring you apprentices’ experiences and some industry insights from our Engagement Director for Wales, Julia Stevens.
Reinforced concrete for engineers and supervisors
This standard aims to provide learners including engineers’ foreman, supervisors, gangers and graduates with knowledge and understanding of inspecting, pouring and testing of products relating to steel reinforcement, formwork and poured concrete.
Welsh Government Apprenticeship Framework Pathway…
On behalf of Welsh Government, CITB is undertaking a fourteen-day public consultation on the implementation of a new Construction Plant Operations Apprenticeship Framework Pathway at CQFW Level 3 for Wales.
Long-period qualifications grants
We pay grants for approved higher level qualifications which take more than one year to complete that focus on the core construction skills needed across the industry.
Industry leaders wanted for trustee roles on the CITB…
The construction sector is leading the way in helping the UK economy bounce back from the pandemic and the Construction Industry Training board (CITB) is now looking for industry leaders to join its board. In this voluntary role you will help shape
Framework modules and supporting resources
There are five core modules and accompanying documents and templates in the Be FaIR Framework. Each module is construction focused and role specific, and covers all the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010.
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