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451 - 460 of 780 search results for working at height where 101 match all words and 679 match some words.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Pilot APP site training Quebec Park

The project is a pilot to train construction workers on the ‘Assured Performance Process’, a methodology produced by the National Energy Foundation.

Technical upskilling for SME builders

The project seeks to address issues raised by LABC inspectors in terms of avoidable common defects in building work through lack of knowledge of changing building regulations.

On-Site Assessment and Training (OSAT)

This project will reduce the skills gap and increase training expenditure by delivering a programme of enhancements to SME employers in the finishes and interiors sector to achieve L2 NVQs in appropriate occupation.

Building Your Business, Doing The Job

The project will address the common obstacles faced by construction sector SME’s, and will improve the long term growth and financial sustainability of the company. The project is a business programme combining structured workshops which address