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R. Walker & Sons “Applying for funding was dead easy…
A desire to develop staff skills and promote construction in the community was at the heart of R. Walker and Sons (Preston) Ltd’s CITB funding application.
Changes to the HS&E test
Important updates and changes to the HS&E test.
McCarrick Construction - "CITB funding saved us…
CITB funding has led to a trio of benefits for McCarrick Construction.
CITB sets out solutions to “Big Six” skills challenges…
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has today set out its plans to help the industry meet critical skills challenges and secure its future workforce.
Delivering social value and community benefits
The National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) creates social value and delivers lasting positive change to benefit communities – while helping industry get the talent and skills it needs. The NSAfC approach is an industry-led solution to
Digital leaders: taking action on construction’s digital…
The project will deliver digital change in construction companies by upskilling leaders by developing three leadership training programmes that adopt an action learning approach.
Digital Leadership for the Construction Supply Chains…
The project will deliver digital leadership change through establishing a hub and spoke supply chain model. It will set the contractor as the hub and the supply chain as the spokes, and use this infrastructure to influence and upskill supply chain
Digital Transformation through Leaders (Giving leaders…
The project delivers skills through a flexible model that allows leaders to engage in a way most appropriate to their needs.
Downloading a Digital Mindset (Giving leaders the skills…
The project will draw learning and best practice from Tideway, one of the UKs leading digitalised infrastructure projects. Costain, Skanska and the Supply Chain School’s main infrastructure contractors will provide insight and experiences to
Establishing Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) - Giving …
The project will deliver skills and knowledge to enable business leaders across the supply chain to embed digital ledger technology (DLT / block chain) by demonstrating the business case for doing so, as well as practical digital concepts and
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