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Leak detection methods for liquid roofing
Leak detection methods for liquid roofing
Defect survey and repair
Defect survey and repair
Who we work with
CITB works with construction employers, training providers, and Government to ensure that our policies are aligned to national and local policy across the UK.
Two pack polyurethanes and flexible polyesters
Two pack polyurethanes and flexible polyesters
Find out about financial support, training and events for your business in Scotland
Balconies, podiums and inverted roof systems
Balconies, podiums and inverted roof systems
Car parks: products and application methods
Car parks: products and application methods
Sector Skills Plans
Sector Skills Plans are tailor-made strategies designed to address the specific needs of different sectors within the construction industry. They are owned and shaped by construction industry stakeholders, outlining clear actions and interventions
Hot applied roof membranes: rubberised bitumen
Hot applied roof membranes: rubberised bitumen
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Comments, compliments and complaints. Your feedback matters to us and we listen carefully to all comments, compliments and complaints.
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