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Roof loading and manual handling
Roof loading and manual handling
Welsh Language Policy
Wales is a dual language country where services and resources are made available bilingually to the public in Wales. In 2001, CITB committed to the Welsh Language Act (1993) by producing a Welsh Language Scheme, this meant committing to delivering
Plain tiling (including background materials and…
Plain tiling (including background materials and flashings)
Apprenticeship policies
Discover all CITB apprenticeship related policies and procedures
Man-made cement fibre slating
Man-made cement fibre slating
Insulation calculations, condensation risk and vapour…
Insulation calculations, condensation risk and vapour control layers
Equality and diversity policy
Discover how CITB complies with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010
Preparation and use of mortar
Preparation and use of mortar
Details, terminations, flashings, gutters, night seals,…
Details, terminations, flashings, gutters, night seals, faults and rectification
Events Toolkit
Events Toolkit
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