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341 - 350 of 763 search results for working statistic where 11 match all words and 752 match some words.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Built-up felt roofing apprenticeship course

This apprenticeship course is for people who want to gain a vocational qualification in Waterproof Membrane Roofing Systems (Construction) Reinforced Bitumen Membrane Roofing: Built up Felt Roofing while gaining industry experience.

Members and supporters

View some of our partnership and associate members who uphold the CDP’s aim and objectives and assist in awareness raising and promoting control of the risks.

Sustainable skills for the SME

The project will work with and enable NFB members to engage with schools to make students, their careers advisors and parents/guardians aware of the opportunities and benefits of a career within our industry.

CPCS Remote Controlled Tower Crane A04c

This course is for people with limited or no experience of using pedestrian operated tower cranes. It teaches you how to operate a pedestrian operated tower crane safely and productively. On passing the technical tests, we will apply for the CPCS

The 14 best things about a construction apprenticeship

Hundreds of thousands of students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have today (23 August) been receiving their long-awaited GCSE results and will now be planning their next steps. At CITB we love construction apprenticeships, so we’ve come