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New Entrant Support Team
New Entrant Support Team
Apprentices talk to podcast for National Apprenticeship…
To celebrate this year’s National Apprenticeship Week, we’ve teamed up with the Construction Talk podcast to bring you apprentices’ experiences and some industry insights from our Engagement Director for Wales, Julia Stevens.
Framework modules and supporting resources
There are five core modules and accompanying documents and templates in the Be FaIR Framework. Each module is construction focused and role specific, and covers all the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010.
A twin-track strategy for Brexit-related skills…
The date for leaving the European Union is fast approaching. And as the deadline nears, one thing, amidst all the political uncertainty and debate, is for sure – employers are finding it harder to recruit skilled construction workers.
Stone industry professional practice
The project will deliver eight days of training spread over one year aimed at: stone industry new entrants; those with a general construction background who need understanding of working with natural stone; time-served masons/restorers/operatives
Welsh Government Apprenticeship Framework Pathway…
On behalf of Welsh Government, CITB is undertaking a fourteen-day public consultation on the implementation of a new Construction Plant Operations Apprenticeship Framework Pathway at CQFW Level 3 for Wales.
Strategy for construction managers
This course is for managers in construction. It will help you to evaluate the potential costs and benefits of different business and organisational strategies.
Major new partnership to improve the image of…
The CITB (Construction Industry Training Board) has joined forces with the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) in a milestone partnership.
Managing and Co-ordinating Plant: Refresher
This 2 day course aims to refresh the knowledge of those who manage and coordinate plant in the construction industry. It will update your understanding of current legislative requirements and good practice. All CPCS Testers must complete this as
Levy Proposals for the 2021 Levy Order
Levy Proposals for the 2021 Levy Order
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