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Pilot APP site training Quebec Park
The project is a pilot to train construction workers on the ‘Assured Performance Process’, a methodology produced by the National Energy Foundation.
Clear, simple and delivering value – CITB’s new Business…
CITB's mission is to attract and support the development of people to construct a better Britain. Perhaps in the past you haven't heard us talk about it enough.
Applying for short course grants
CITB Registered employers can apply for CITB grants for approved short courses (training that lasts from a minimum of 3 hours to maximum 29 days).
Quality on the highway – breaking ground
The project follows successful completion of a Phase 1 CITB funded project, which produced a high quality training resource focusing on working conditions, safety and risk assessment whilst excavating.
CISRS Operative Training Scheme (COTS)
This 1 day course is for people who are new to scaffolding. Existing CISRS Scaffolding Labourer (green) Card holders also need to take this course to renew their card every five years. The course teaches the basics of the industry and how to work
On-Site Assessment and Training (OSAT)
This project will reduce the skills gap and increase training expenditure by delivering a programme of enhancements to SME employers in the finishes and interiors sector to achieve L2 NVQs in appropriate occupation.
Building Your Business, Doing The Job
The project will address the common obstacles faced by construction sector SME’s, and will improve the long term growth and financial sustainability of the company. The project is a business programme combining structured workshops which address
CISRS Basic Access System Erector (BASE)
This 5 day course is for non-scaffolders, who erect, alter and dismantle simple system scaffold structures within restricted environments.
CISRS Scaffolder Refresher Course (2 days)
This course is for people looking to renew a CISRS Scaffolder card (blue) and a CISRS Advanced Scaffolder card (gold). This course will refresh your existing knowledge, make you fully aware of changes in legislation and good working practices, to
Enabling the enablers: Using CITB funding for specialist…
From upskilling staff to attracting new recruits and increasing the services they offer, the team at Sanctus have enjoyed a wealth of benefits as a result of applying to CITB’s Skills and Training Fund.
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