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£1m for East Midlands businesses to boost digital…
We are inviting Nottinghamshire and East Midlands businesses to find out more about funding opportunities worth a total £1million during an event near Newark on 24 April.
About CITB Apprenticeships
Everything you need to know about becoming a CITB Apprentice
Plant Hire SME Growth and Development
The project will provide training to meet the current skills shortage in plant operation by delivering business skills which will allow micro employers to grow and build capacity for the sector.
SkillBuild returns, as huge demand for construction…
The largest and longest-running construction skills competition in the UK returns, with registration now open for SkillBuild 2023. The SkillBuild competition is delivered by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and offers an opportunity
How to Become a Site Safety Plus (SSP) Centre
Learn what you need to do to become a SSP centre
Jobs boost for Brits in construction sector Brexit bounce …
A third of construction companies expect to provide more jobs for British workers as the sector rises to challenges presented by Brexit and Covid-19.
Cladding Occupations; Roof Sheeting and Wall Cladding…
This apprenticeship course is for people who want to gain a vocational qualification in Cladding occupations: Roof sheeting and wall cladding while gaining industry experience. You’ll receive training in the theory of roof sheeting and wall
What Qualifications Do I Need for a Apprenticeship?
Find what qualifications you need to start an apprenticeship in England, Scotland and Wales
Do you provide accredited training standards?
You can help improve the delivery of training to the construction industry by becoming a CITB Recognised Organisation.
Construction opportunities on offer for 20…
An event aimed at recruiting 20 career-changing women into the construction industry will take place at Eastern Leisure Centre, Cardiff on Friday April 12 from 9.30am to 12pm.
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