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GT700 companion content
Access the additional content found in the GT700 book
Asbestos awareness
Asbestos awareness
CITB recognises that there is a growing desire within the construction industry to embrace new technology to drive forward new ways of working.
Abrasive Wheels: Disc Mounting legal and practical…
This one day course is for those operatives who will be operating abrasive wheel cutting equipment as part of their job. It covers the legal and practical requirements for use of abrasive wheel cutting equipment.
Passivhaus and Low Energy Buildings - Online Training
The design and production of 11 e-learning modules around the subjects area of Passivhaus and the Performance Gap.
Assessment Infrastructure - Modular and Portable…
Funding will be used to set up a new assessment centre where assessors for modular and portable buildings will be trained.
Solent Civil Engineering Collaboration - Industry Led…
The project supports the establishment of an employer-led training consortium that increases the capacity of ground working provision in the South (central) area of England.
Assessment Infrastructure - Asbestos Control and…
Funding will be used to set up a new assessment centre where assessors for asbestos control and abatement will be trained. A key outcome of the project will be to strengthen the assessment infrastructure across GB in relation to asbestos control and
Development and delivery of environmental awareness…
The project will build expertise in senior management through the IEMA Accredited Environmental Awareness course and use this expertise to develop and deploy be-spoke short-duration courses.
CPCS Forward Tipping Dumper Wheeled A09 - experienced…
This condensed course is for experienced operators of wheeled forward tipping dumpers, who need a formal qualification. You gain the CPCS trained operator card (red card) on passing the technical test at the end.
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