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Construction Skills Network forecasts 2017-2021 -…
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2017-2021 - Scotland
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2017-2021 - South…
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2017-2021 - South East
Digital leaders: taking action on construction’s digital…
Digital leaders: taking action on construction’s digital future (Giving leaders the skills to drive digital change)
Terms of bidding for the Flexible and Structured funds
This is a supporting legal document which you should read before completing an application form.
Building young lives through construction careers…
Construction Youth Trust will test and develop effective pathways into construction for harder-to-reach young people and create a comprehensive best practice toolkit that will provide employers, particularly SMEs and supply-chain companies, with
Migration and construction - The view from employers,…
Migration and construction - The view from employers, recruiters and non–UK born workers in 2019
B: Health and welfare
Get health and welfare guidance for health and safety from our list of organisations and websites.
Terms of bidding for the Leadership and Management…
This is a supporting legal document which you should read before completing an application form.
Something new for something old from Carmarthenshire…
With around a third of the buildings in Wales built before 1919, there’s strong demand inside the industry for qualified heritage specialists –but a lack of training courses available.
Terms of bidding for the Skills and Training fund
This is a supporting legal document which you should read before completing an application form.
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