Asbestos non-licensed supervisor/manager refresher
Competence Framework / Occupation
3 hours
Purpose/ scope
The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the theoretical and practical skills to undertake non-licensed work with asbestos including NNLW as defined in the approved code of practice (ACoP), currently L143 second edition, regulation 10 - training for non-licensable work
on successful completion of this course, delegates should be able to safely work on non-licensed materials
- properties of asbestos
- effects on health
- types, uses and occurrences
- licensed and non-licensed
- uncontrolled release
- plans of work
- preventive controls
- assessments of the risk
- air monitoring
- safe working practices
- control measures
- personal protective equipment (PPE)
- respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
- recording and reporting
- correcting defects
- hygiene requirements
- medical examination
- decontamination procedures
- waste handling procedures
- emergency procedures
- notification
- regulations
- sampling
- other hazards
Learner pre-requisites
There are no delegate pre-requisites as part of this standard
Instruction/ supervision
As a minimum, course instructors must be able to demonstrate that, in relation to this standard, they have:
- an award in education and training (or equivalent, as per requirements for approved training organisations)
- successfully completed training to this standard
- at least 3 years relevant industrial experience
- a verifiable CV
All materials and equipment must be of a suitable quality and quantity for delegates to achieve learning outcomes and must comply with relevant legislation
the following practical equipment must be available during the training course:
- PPE (coveralls)
- RPE (ori nasal /FFP3)
- equipment for control techniques
- class H vacuum cleaner
- safe access equipment
- wetting equipment (killa-sprays etc)
- waste bags
- tac-rags
the following practical equipment may be required and made available during the training course:
- a fully functioning hygiene unit including:
- functioning hot shower
- disposable towels
- nail brush
- shower gel
equipment and materials for mini-enclosure construction
- staplers
- tape
- spray glue
- polythene
- craft knives
- timber frames
- airlock frames
- signage
- negative pressure unit
- smoke machine
- preliminary decontamination equipment
the class size and delegate/trainer ratio must allow training to be delivered in a safe manner and enable delegates to achieve the learning outcomes
the following delivery methods may be used in the delivery of this standard:
- classroom and demonstration and practise
this standard is predominantly theoretical training
this standard is considered to be set at an intermediate level
Formal assessment
for the successful completion of training, delegates must complete an end of course practical assessment or knowledge test that measures all learning outcomes and has a pass or fail criteria
where this training is assessed using multiple-choice questions, a minimum of 10 questions must be asked and delegates are required to achieve an overall pass mark of at least 80%
Quality assurance
quality assurance against this standard will require initial approval of the training organisation and their content mapped to the standard
CITB will also conduct an approval intervention, either desk-based or centre visit, to ensure the training organisation can meet the requirements of the training standard
approved training organisations (ATOs) will be required to present information on records of training and assessment upon request to CITB for desk-based analysis
they will also be visited annually by the CITB quality assurance team.
Renewal every 13 months
Buffer / grace period
4 months
Mandatory Renewal
Working Group Approval date
June 2019
Review cycle
On request or 60 months (5 years) from approval date
Learning outcomes to be refreshed
The learner will be able to:
- identify the properties of asbestos and its effects on health, including the increased risk of developing lung cancer for asbestos workers who smoke
- list the classes, uses and likely occurrence of asbestos and asbestos materials in buildings and plant
- outline how to avoid the risk of exposure to asbestos
- identify the difference between licensable work and non-licensed (notifiable and non-notifiable) work
- outline the procedures to follow on discovery of asbestos containing materials
- outline the general procedures to deal with an emergency, such as an uncontrolled release of asbestos dust into the workplace
- develop, interpret and amend a plan of work for non-licensed (including NNLW) activities
- describe the operations which could result in asbestos exposure and the importance of preventive controls to minimise exposure
- describe how to make suitable and sufficient assessments of the risk of exposure to asbestos
- state the control limit, and the purpose of air monitoring
- explain safe work practices, control measures, and protective equipment including
- an understanding of how the correct use and maintenance of control measures
- protective equipment and work methods can reduce the risks from asbestos
- limit exposure to workers and limit the spread of asbestos fibres outside the work area including where this is relevant
- the maintenance of enclosures
- describe procedures for recording, reporting and correcting defects
- describe the purpose, appropriate choice and correct selection from a range of suitable RPE, including any limitation
- explain the correct use and where relevant the cleaning, maintenance and safe storage of RPE and PPE in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and information
- explain the importance of achieving and maintaining a good seal between face and RPE, the relevance of pre-use tests and FFTs, and the importance of being clean-shaven
- state hygiene requirements
- explain requirements and procedures for medical examination for NNLW
- be aware of the need for personal decontamination procedures
- understand waste handling procedures including how to complete and administer the consignment note procedures
- describe emergency procedures, including how to deal with an emergency release
- understand which work requires notification as NNLW and which work requires an HSE licence
- understand an introduction to the relevant regulations, ACOPs and guidance that apply to asbestos work and other regulations that deal with the carriage and disposal of asbestos
- understand personal sampling and leak and clearance sampling techniques, for analysts
- list other work hazards, including working at height, electrical, slips, trips and falls, where this is applicable to the work being done
Additional information about this standard
refresher training for asbestos non-licensed operatives should be given every year, or more frequently if
- work methods change
- the type of equipment used to control exposure changes
- the type of work carried out changes significantly
- gaps in competency are identified
it should include reviewing where things have gone wrong and sharing good practice
where training needs dictate, refresher training may include an appropriate element of practical training, particularly covering use of decontamination facilities, use of PPE, particularly RPE and use of control techniques
- ACAD (asbestos control and abatement division)
- ARCA (asbestos removal contractors association)
- HSE (health and safety executive)
- NFDC (national federation of demolition contractors)
- UKATA (UK asbestos training association)
- NASC (national association of scaffolding contractors)
- IATP (independent asbestos training providers)
- BOHS (british occupational hygiene society)
- RSPH (royal society for public health)
- NORAC (national organisation of asbestos consultants)
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