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Train the Trainer - Refresher


The purpose of this standard is to provide the learner with the knowledge and/or skills to support the following scope: identifying organisational and individual needs, developing a scheme of work, creating materials for use in training, delivering training, assessing learners, measuring learning outcomes, evaluating the effectiveness of training, keeping records


21 hours

Standard Overview

The purpose of this standard is to provide the learner with the knowledge and/or skills to support the following:


  • identifying organisational and individual needs
  • developing a scheme of work
  • creating materials for use in training
  • delivering training
  • assessing learners
  • measuring learning outcomes
  • evaluating the effectiveness of training
  • keeping records

Learner pre-requisites

The learner must have a minimum of 2 years’ experience in the discipline they are training and hold a recognised industry relevant qualification outlined by the course providers. 

Instruction/ supervision

As a minimum, course trainers must be able to demonstrate that, in relation to this standard, they have:

  • an award in education and training (or equivalent, as per requirements for approved training organisations)
  • at least 2 years industrial experience relevant to the scope of the standard
  • a verifiable CV

Delivery Materials

All materials and equipment must be of a suitable quality and quantity for learners to achieve learning outcomes and must comply with relevant legislation.

Delivery – Learner / Trainer Ratio

The learning environment, class size and learner/trainer ratio must allow training to be delivered in a safe manner and enable learners to achieve the learning outcomes.

Allowed Delivery Methods

The following delivery methods may be used in the delivery of this standard:

  • face to face learning environment only (such as classroom/workshop etc.)
  • a blend of face to face and virtual
  • a blend of face to face and e-learning

Is the training mainly practical or theoretical

This standard is predominantly practical training.

This standard is considered to be

This standard is considered to be set at an entry level

Assessment Type

Formally Assessed

Assessment Pass / Fail Criteria

For the successful completion of training, learners must complete a micro-teach session for the following:

  • 20-minute micro-teach session for distance learning


  • 20 minute micro-teach face-to-face session

The micro-teach session must include basic evidence of session planning and basic assessment materials

Following the micro-teach session the learner will participate in a professional discussion and self-evaluation session

Assessment Method

Methods of assessment considered appropriate for training delivered against this standard are:

  • short answer questions
  • portfolio / workbook of workplace products / outputs
  • observed oral presentations / briefings
  • scenarios and case studies of realistic working environments
  • practical assessment (group work)
  • micro-teach session and recorded professional discussion
  • These assessment methods can be used formally and informally during delivery and in formative and summative assessment

Name of proposed Recognised Organisation



Renewal every 36 months


Recommended Renewal

Buffer / grace period

3 months

Working Group Approval date

December 2023

Review cycle 

On request or 5 years from approval date.

Learning outcomes

Including additional guidance to support training delivery and final assessment

The learner will be able to:

Identify organisational and individual training needs

Delivery guidance:

  • provide an overview of why it is important to identify training needs for an individual and the organisation
  • methods for identifying training needs
  • examine the cost and time benefit of appropriate training resources
  • methods for measuring the cost benefits of training

Assessment criteria:

  • explain how to identify the following training needs:
    • organisational directives
    • legislative requirements
    • health and safety requirements
    • new technologies or methodologies
    • inclusivity and diversity
    • specific learning needs
    • CPD requirements
    • provide an example of a cost benefit evaluation

Assessment method

Method to be selected from assessment list

Develop a scheme of work

Delivery guidance

  • presentation and familiarisation of a scheme of work for a range of training needs
  • adapting courses for specific learning needs

Assessment criteria:

  • produce a scheme of work that includes:
    • the objective
    • where and how it will be delivered
    • required contact time
    • resources required
    • how it will meet diversity and inclusivity needs
    • health and safety requirements
    • assessment of learning outcomes

Assessment method

Method to be selected from assessment list

Create materials for use in training

Delivery guidance:

  • present and review the various types of methods and media used in training
  • present a range of handouts for use in training
  • examine effective methods of formative and summative learning (assessment for learning and assessment of learning)

Assessment criteria:

  • produce or design training materials for one of the following:
  • physical training materials (handouts, whiteboard content, group activity)
  • e-learning materials (power point, charts, videos, posters)

Assessment method

Method to be selected from assessment list

Deliver training

Delivery guidance:

  • discuss the importance of providing a suitable environment for learning
  • the process of delivering training sessions including:
    • pre-course materials and invitations
    • room selection and layout
    • virtual environments and technology
    • engaging your audience and breaks, encouraging participation
    • gaining feedback
    • consolidating learning

Assessment criteria:

  • produce a document that covers how to deliver training covering the following:
    • introduction and re-introduction
    • setting the scene
    • managing the learning environment
    • encouraging interaction and motivation
    • questioning techniques
    • supporting learners that require additional support
    • assessment for learning during various stages and assessment of learning at the end of the training programme
  • 20-minute micro-teach session for distance learning or 20 minutes for a physical session

Assessment method

Micro-teach session and professional discussion

Assess learners

Delivery guidance:

  • discuss the importance of assessing learners
  • discuss methods of assessment
  • how to prepare an assessment plan
  • what to do when learners do not meet assessment criteria
  • methods of feedback and how to deliver feedback
  • the importance of developmental feedback

Assessment criteria:

  • explain why it is important to assess learners
  • produce a document that gives details of at least two of the following methods of assessment:
    • verbal or written feedback
    • witness testimony
    • written or multi-choice tests
    • observation and practical session
    • self-assessment
  • produce an assessment plan relevant to a training session
  • produce a remedial training process for learners that do not meet the assessment criteria/achieve competence

Assessment method

Method to be selected from assessment list

Measure learning outcomes

Delivery guidance:

  • discuss why it is important to measure learning outcomes
  • methods for measuring learning outcomes

Assessment criteria:

  • discuss why it is important and how to measure learning outcomes
  • produce a document that gives details of at least two methods of measuring outcomes covering:
    • reduced error rates
    • improved skills or knowledge
    • improved performance/efficiency
    • reduced costs
    • diverse and inclusive work force
    • use of digital technologies
    • monitoring accident rates post training

Assessment method

Method to be selected from assessment list

Evaluate the effectiveness of training

Delivery guidance:

  • discuss why it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of training
  • explore the methods used to evaluate training including:
    • learner feedback
    • peer review
    • lesson observations
    • organisational reporting
    • line manager feedback
    • customer feedback
    • health and wellbeing surveys
    • productivity reports
    • reflective practice

Assessment criteria:

  • use a case study to produce an evaluation report on the effectiveness of training

Assessment method

Method to be selected from assessment list

Keep records

Delivery guidance:

  • discuss why it is important to keep accurate records
  • explore the methods for keeping records including:
    • maintaining confidentiality
    • complying with company and legislative requirements
    • security

Assessment criteria:

  • describe how to keep records safely in accordance with organisational policy and legislative requirements

Assessment method

Method to be selected from assessment list