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Behavioural safety management in construction


The purpose of this standard is to explain how frontline supervisors and managers can influence behaviours; how various types of human errors can cause accidents or incidents and how these can be eliminated or reduced. It also emphasises to frontline supervisors and managers their roles in engaging in positive health and safety conversations and providing constructive feedback to team members.


Minimum 4 learning hours.

Purpose / Scope

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following: 

to explain how frontline supervisors and managers can influence behaviours; how various types of human errors can cause accidents or incidents and how these can be eliminated or reduced. It also emphasises to frontline supervisors and managers their roles in engaging in positive health and safety conversations and providing constructive feedback to team members.


  • to understand how mistakes and errors can occur 
  • to know how to prevent mistakes and errors from happening
  • to know the importance of having healthy and sometimes difficult conversations with the workforce with regards to both unsafe and safe behaviours and conditions
  • to understand how to identify and effectively handle different types of behaviours.

Occupational relevance

Training delivered against this standard would be relevant to the following occupational group(s): 

  • supervision
  • management.

Delegates pre-requisites

Delegates must have successfully completed the Behavioural safety awareness course within the last 36 months.

Instruction / Supervision

As a minimum, course trainers must be able to demonstrate that, in relation to this standard, they have: 

  • an award in education and training (or equivalent, as per requirements for approved training organisations)
  • successfully completed training to this standard 
  • at least 2 years relevant industrial experience 
  • a verifiable CV.


Delivery may be in an on or off the job environment. 

All materials and equipment must be of a suitable quality and quantity for delegates to achieve learning outcomes and must comply with relevant legislation. 

The class size and delegate/trainer ratio must allow training to be delivered in a safe manner and enable delegates to achieve the learning outcomes.

The following delivery methods may be used in the delivery of this standard: 

  • classroom 
  • remote 
  • a blend of classroom and remote.

This standard is considered to contain 51% or more theoretical learning.

This standard is considered to be set at an intermediate level.


For the successful completion of training, the trainer must be satisfied that the delegate has achieved all learning outcomes.

Quality assurance


Quality assurance against this standard will require initial approval of the training organisation and their content mapped to the standard. 

CITB will also conduct an approval intervention, either desk-based or centre visit, to ensure the training organisation can meet the requirements of the training standard. 

Approved training organisations (ATOs) will be required to present information on records of training and assessment upon request to CITB for desk-based analysis. They will also be visited annually by the CITB quality assurance team.


Refresher every 3 years.

Buffer/grace period 

6 months.


Recommended Refresher.

Approval date

June 2021.

Review cycle

On request or 3 years from approval date.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes

The delegate will be able to: 

Additional guidance to support learning outcome 

describe how Supervisors and Managers have a significant role in influencing and changing people's behaviours 

‘Good health and safety leadership’, from HSE: 


describe the reasons as to why people make genuine mistakes and errors 

‘ABC analysis’ (activators, behaviours, consequences) from HSE: 


explain how to plan out the hazards, provide suitable warnings or ensure that the error does not result in a serious injury or work-related ill health when establishing work areas to account for the genuine mistakes that people make 


explain the importance of early engagement and healthy conversations as a mechanism for dealing with unsafe acts or conditions 


list the different behaviour types 


identify the behaviour patterns associated with each behaviour type 


identify how best to handle different behaviour types 


Additional information about this standard 

Health & Safety Executive (HSE). There are many articles, case studies, and guides (pdf) on the HSE site. Search the web site using the term: behavioural safety. http://www.hse.gov.uk/