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Health and safety for forecourt contractors – refresher


To allow delegates to recognise hazards, utilise control measures and safe working practices and maintain a safe working environment


6 hours / 1 day

Purpose / scope

Course aim

To allow delegates to recognise hazards, utilise control measures and safe working practices and maintain a safe working environment.

  • understanding of the subjects by successfully completing each module assessment paper
  • understand the value of risk assessment of petrol forecourt and have the knowledge to recognise when changes to a generic assessment is required
  • understand the common hazards associated with working on petrol forecourts


The following delivery methods may be used in the delivery of this standard:

  • face to face learning environment only (such as classroom/workshop etc.)
  • virtual only (guided learning on-line)

This standard is predominantly theoretical training

This standard is considered to be set at an entry level

Assessment Type

Formally Assessed

Recognised Organisation

Safety Passport Alliance (SPA)

Quality assurance


CITB will gain assurance through the Recognised Organisation’s quality arrangements.

Approved Training Organisation’s will be required to supply confirmation of approval (centre approval and scheme approval) with the related Recognised Organisation’s awarding organisation or body. In most cases this will be an approval certificate provided by the Recognised Organisation’s awarding organisation or body, listing the routes, qualifications, and categories they are approved to deliver. In addition, a copy of the most recent external quality assurance monitoring report will be required, relating to the standard that you wish to be approved for.

This information will be reviewed by CITB’s quality assurance team. Approval will be subject to the required Recognised Organisation’s documentation being supplied by you. As part of the quality assurance checks, CITB may confirm the accuracy of documentation with the issuing organisation.

Please refer to the Requirements for Approved Training Organisations Appendix 6 for further guidance on quality assurance.


Renewal every 37 months

Buffer / grace period

7 months


Recommended Renewal

Working Group Approval date


Review cycle

On request or 60 months (5 Years) from approval date.