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Setting up and operating a safe construction site during a pandemic


The purpose of this standard is to enhance knowledge to support in the planning, management and supervision of a construction work environment during a medical pandemic in line with current government and HSE advice.


Minimum 1 day of 6 learning hours


The purpose of this standard is to enhance knowledge to support in the planning, management and supervision of a construction work environment during a medical pandemic in line with current government and HSE advice.

The scope of this standard includes:

  • legislation
  • understanding a virus
  • social distancing, self-isolation and shielding
  • risks
  • safety measures on site

Occupational relevance

Training delivered against this standard would be relevant to the following occupational group(s):

  • supervision
  • management and leadership

Candidate pre-requisites

There are no candidate pre-requisites as part of this standard.


As a minimum, course instructors must be able to demonstrate that, in relation to this standard, they have:

  • a train the trainer or instructional techniques course certificate
  • successfully completed training to this standard 
  • at least 2 years relevant construction experience
  • a verifiable CV.


Delivery may be in an on or off the job environment.

All materials and equipment must be of a suitable quality and quantity for candidates to achieve learning outcomes, and must comply with relevant legislation.

The class size and candidate to instructor ratio must allow training to be delivered in a safe manner and enable candidates to achieve the learning outcomes.

The following delivery methods may be used in the delivery of this standard:

  • classroom
  • e-learning
  • remote delivery

This standard is considered to contain 51 per cent or more theoretical learning.

This standard is considered to be set at a basic level.


Methods of assessment considered appropriate for training delivered against this standard are:

  • For the successful completion of training, delegates must complete an end of training knowledge test that measures competence of all learning outcomes and has a pass or fail criteria.
  • Where this training is assessed using multiple-choice questions, delegates are required to achieve an overall pass mark of at least 80%.

Quality assurance


Quality assurance against this standard will require initial approval of the training organisation and their content mapped to the standard. 

CITB will also conduct an approval intervention, either desk-based or centre visit, to ensure the training organisation can meet the requirements of the training standard. 

Approved training organisations (ATOs) will be required to present information on records of training and assessment upon request to CITB for desk based analysis. They will also be visited annually by the CITB quality assurance team.


Recommended renewal as required, or every 5 years as a maximum

Approval date

December 2019

Review cycle

On request or in 3 years from approval date.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes
The candidate will be able to: Additional guidance to support learning outcome

Identify and understand current relevant UK legislation and regulations for working in construction in a pandemic

Content could vary depending on the devolved Nations requirements / guidance but must give an overview of the differences. This should always be the most up to date guidance available.

Describe what a virus is, how it is spread and the impact this has on site

Discuss how it is spread including:

  • if it is airborne

  • hard surfaces

  • residual contagion

  • R-value

Identify safety measures relating to travelling to and from work and parking facilities

Including but not limited to:

  • identifying most appropriate method of transport, mitigating risks when sharing transport or using public transport

  • how someone taken ill would get home

  • adjusting parking arrangements to allow for additional vehicles and bicycles

  • providing facilities such as lockers and showers in addition to hand cleaning stations

Identify safety measures relating to driving on site


Including but not limited to:

  • drive alone where possible

  • where not possible maintain ventilation, increase hand washing, avoid physical contact

  • clean site vehicles inside and out

Identify safety measures relating to site access and egress


Including but not limited to:

  • appropriate signage

  • stop non-essential visitors

  • consider staggered start/finish times

  • plan access and egress points to enable social distancing

  • one-way pedestrian system

  • consider reduced number of site inductions, meetings and toolbox talks and hold outside where possible

  • avoid use of entry systems that require skin contact

  • accepting or processing deliveries and collections, including waste disposal

Describe and understand self-isolation

Including but not limited to:

  • what self-isolation is

  • who should self-isolate

  • why self-isolation is important

NHS information available 

Explain Social Distancing, why it is important and associated risks

Delegates should understand the need to follow the government guidance on Staying Alert and Safe (Social Distancing)  and Staying safe outside your home .

Identify the risks to health and the wider community and how this can be mitigated on site

Delegates should be able to identify vulnerable persons and understand the need for shielding where the local community around the worksite could be affected.

Explain actions that should be taken if someone falls ill on site

Understand the need to evaluate First Aid and emergency response plans and make any appropriate changes.

Identify safety measures relating to hand washing

Including but not limited to:

  • provide additional hand washing facilities or hand sanitiser where this is not possible, facilities should be regularly cleaned

  • allow for regular breaks to wash hands

Identify safety measures relating to site facilities and cleaning

Including but not limited to:

  • restrict number of people using facilities and common areas such as toilets, showers, drying rooms and canteen/rest areas

  • enhance cleaning regimes for common areas, hard surfaces and touch points

  • stagger break times

  • configure seating to reduce face to face interaction

  • monitor compliance

Recognise the need to plan works on site to avoid close working and maintain social distancing or mitigate risk where this is not possible

Sites and work need to be planned and organised to avoid crowding and minimise the risk of spread of infection by following Government guidance and advice.

Understand why use of additional RPE not usually required for the task is not appropriate mitigation and other controls should be utilised

Hierarchy of controls (eliminate, reduce, isolate, control, PPE, behaviours).

The Government has provided information on Face Coverings in section 6.1 of its guidance Working safely during coronavirus (Covid-19) - Construction and other outdoor work. 


Additional information about this standard

GOV.UK COVID-19 guidance: 

Construction leadership council CLC guidance: 


Welsh Government guidance: 

HSE guidance (COVID-19): 


NHS guidance: