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Found 106 short duration training standards. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order

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Confined spaces in construction medium risk

This is a practical course designed for operators who are likely to be working in medium risk environments.

Confined spaces in construction medium risk – refresher

The purpose of this standard is to provide the learner with the knowledge and/or skills to support the below scope:

Construction contract introduction

The purpose of this standard is to provide candidates with knowledge of delegates in how to construct a legally binding contract including the basic fundamentals of contract law and management within the supply chain function.

Construction Fixings Installer

The purpose of this standard is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to support the following: Anchor types, selection and application, Installation methods and Base materials, Standard method Statements, Roles and responsibilities and Terminology, Change management, Factors influencing the performance of anchors

Controlling health risks in construction

This course has been designed to provide training for construction site supervisors, so they can better recognise and control the health risks specific to their workplace.

Curtain walling design and construction

The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with knowledge of managing the curtain walling package (building envelopes), from concept to handover.

Curtain walling introduction

This standard is held by the Council for Aluminium in Building (CAB)

Defects management in construction – an introduction

The purpose and scope of this standard is to provide the delegate with the skills and knowledge to support the following: to identify, prevent, report, and resolve defects effectively throughout the project lifecycle.

Detection of buried utilities for construction using electromagnetic location – EML Training

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge on Detection of buried utilities for construction using electromagnetic location – EML Training

Drainage and stormwater management in construction

This training standard is in development and will be published shortly

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