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Found 106 short duration training standards. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order

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Driving behavioural change in digital construction

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to understand the elements of behavioural and cultural changes which need to be considered when rolling out digital construction tools.

Drone use for construction - Intermediate

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following: the basic theory and considerations for drone use for construction applications.

Drone use for construction - Introduction

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following: the basic theory and considerations for drone use for construction applications.

Dust management in construction

The purpose of training delivered against this standard is to provide candidates with the knowledge to prevent or adequately control construction dust risks on a construction site.

Eco Operator Training

Environmental and hazardous waste introduction

This training standard is in development and will be published shortly

Estimating for construction

This training standard is in development and will be published shortly

Fairness, inclusion and respect awareness

The purpose of this standard is to provide candidates with the knowledge relating to: equality and diversity.

Fairness, inclusion and respect awareness refresher

The purpose of Fairness, inclusion and respect awareness refresher standard is for delegates who have previously passed training to the full Fairness, inclusion and respect awareness standard or subsequent refresher training and can provide proof of attendance.

First aid for CITB-registered levy-exempt employers

The purpose of this standard is to provide the knowledge and skills to manage and treat an emergency first aid situation in the workplace.

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