- Published
- Interior systems
- Assured
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET3298
The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following:
hazards, risk assessment and safe systems of work, installation of metal ceiling components and acoustic plasterboards/ceiling tiles to maintain designed acoustic, working to construction and manufacturers drawings, construction principles. related products (e.g., metal ceiling tiles, plasterboard ceiling tiles, mineral/glass fibre ceiling tiles, fixings, sealants, components, etc.) required tools and equipment
- Published
- Interior systems
- Assured
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET3299
The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following: hazards, risk assessment and safe systems of work, installation of MF ceiling systems and acoustic plasterboards to maintain designed acoustic, performance. working to construction and manufacturers drawings, construction principles. related products (e.g., plasterboards, fixings, sealants, components, etc.) required tools and equipment
- In development
- Interior systems
- Assured
- £60 (Tier 1)
- GET0200
This training standard is in development and will be published shortly
- In development
- Interior systems
- Assured
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET0203
This training standard is in development and will be published shortly
- In development
- Interior systems
- Assured
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET1963
This standard is in development and will be published shortly
- Published
- Interior systems
- Assured
- £60 (Tier 1)
- GET3460
The purpose of this standard is to provide the learner with the knowledge and/or skills to support the following scope: Regulatory change summary, Competency, Code of construction product information (CCPI), Test Standards/ Test methodology (BS and EN), Extended field of application (EXAP), Understanding of Industry standards, Understanding construction details and specifications, Practical Build Sessions, Identify common installation faults, What is a system designer, Design liability
- Published
- Interior systems
- Assured
- £60 (Tier 1)
- GET2692
The purpose of this standard is about estimating the costs of internal linings from available information (e.g. bills of quantity and drawings). There will be a lot of practical and pragmatic advice with practice opportunities and demonstrations.
- Published
- Interior systems
- Assured
- £60 (Tier 1)
- GET2693
The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with practical knowledge and skills required to fit aluminium cover trims and skirtings to interior systems.
- Published
- Interior systems
- Assured
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET2715
The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with practical knowledge and skills required to form service penetrations.
- Published
- Interior systems
- Assured
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET2694
The purpose of this is designed to develop practical application of hand jointing to tapered edge joints, butt end joints, internal and external angles.