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Your search for Construction resulted in 387 matches. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order.

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Fairness, inclusion and respect awareness

The purpose of this standard is to provide candidates with the knowledge relating to: equality and diversity.

Fairness, inclusion and respect awareness refresher

The purpose of Fairness, inclusion and respect awareness refresher standard is for delegates who have previously passed training to the full Fairness, inclusion and respect awareness standard or subsequent refresher training and can provide proof of attendance.

Fire science for the construction industry

This training standard is in development and will be published shortly

First aid for CITB-registered levy-exempt employers

The purpose of this standard is to provide the knowledge and skills to manage and treat an emergency first aid situation in the workplace.

Flint working introduction

The purpose of this standard is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to support the following scope: This module will provide an introduction to flint in the context of historic and modern construction. It covers material selection, and the core principles of flintwork relevant to maintenance, conservation and new construction.

Forklift side loader theory test

Full details of this standard will be published shortly.

Formwork construction and installation for foundations

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following: formwork vs other options; types of formwork/shuttering; construction and installation; risk assessment review; top tips for formwork construction/installation.

Forward tipping dumper theory test

Full details of this standard will be published shortly.

Gas network construction – installation of mains product/asset up to and including medium pressure

This is one of the standards held by the Energy & Utility Skills Register

Getting started with digital construction

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with an overview of digital technologies for construction applications that allows delegates to put the learning into the context of their own situation and needs

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