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Your search for Construction resulted in 387 matches. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order.

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Applying surface finishes to external wall insulation introduction

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to further support their learning with the following: carrying out pre and post installation checks; types of surface finishes; hazards with resources; protecting work and work area from damage; minimising thermal bridging; installing vapour control barriers; recognising specific requirements for structures of special interest, traditional construction and historical significance; recognising when specialist skills are required; how to communicate with your team and others; looking after tools and equipment; working at height and safe use of access equipment and harness systems.

ATTMA Air tightness testing - Level 1

This 4-day course provides both the knowledge and understanding required to air tightness test single dwellings and other small simple buildings.

ATTMA Air tightness testing - Level 2

This 3-day course provides both the knowledge and understanding required to air tightness test simple and non-simple buildings except those defined as: Large buildings with an envelope area over 80,000 m2; High rise buildings with more than 15 storeys; Phased or zonal handover buildings

ATTMA Envelope area 3D modelling - Advanced

This 1 day course provides both the knowledge and understanding required to model complex envelope areas and volumes in 3D using the SketchUp software.

ATTMA Envelope area 3D modelling - Beginner

This 1 day course provides both the knowledge and understanding required to model envelope areas and volumes in 3D using the SketchUp software.

Avoiding construction errors at interfaces - Part one: Collaboration - Trainer Training

Avoiding construction errors at interfaces - Part one: Collaboration (Delivery Phase)

Avoiding construction errors at interfaces - Part one: Collaboration (Development Phase)

Avoiding construction errors at interfaces - Part two: Designing for construction

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