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Your search for operative resulted in 93 matches. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order.

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CCDO Demolition Chargehand Safety Awareness

The purpose of this standard is to upskill experienced demolition Topmen who oversee a team of Operatives in their responsibilities, such as towards health and safety, general hazards on a site, environmental issues, time management and contracts.

CCDO Demolition Chargehand Safety Awareness Refresher

This standard covers the training requirements needed to maintain and update the knowledge and skills of chargehand operatives.

CCDO Demolition Refurbishment Operative Safety Awareness

The purpose of this standard is to cover the necessary training for the general labouring duties required as directed and supervised by a Chargehand or above.

CCDO Demolition Refurbishment Operative Safety Awareness Refresher

This standard covers the information needed to refresh demolition and refurbishment operatives' training.

Chain sawing

This standard covers the training requirements for an operative in chain sawing activities.

Climbing Formwork for Advanced Operatives

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following: overview of system types and recap of General Operatives Course, purpose, principles and terminology for climbing formwork, including hydraulics, lift preparation, erect and strike climbing formwork (practical), hazards and risks, safety features, test and assessment.

Climbing Formwork for General Operatives

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following: basic principles of climbing formwork, terminology of structure and climbing formwork, drawing interpretation, practical assembly and dismantle of climbing formwork, hazards and risks , safety features, test and assessment

Combined towers and low-level for users

This standard ensures that operatives are trained in how to safely assemble, dismantle and relocate low level access units and standard mobile access towers without risk of personal injury to the self or others.

Confined spaces in construction low risk

The purpose of this standard is to provide operatives with an understanding of the requirements of and practice in working in low and medium risk confined space environments.

Controlled techniques for asbestos removal

The purpose of training delivered against this intermediate standard is to provide candidates with the training content specified by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 for operatives doing licensed work with asbestos.

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