- Published
- Plant practical testing
- Recognised
- £410 (Plant practical test rate 3)
- Automatic
Full details of this standard will be published shortly.
- Published
- Plant short duration training
- Recognised
- £240 (Tier 3)
- GET0724
Full details of this standard will be published shortly
- In development
- Demolition
- Recognised
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET0478
This training standard is in development and will be published shortly.
- Published
- Oak framing
- Assured
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET0613
This intermediate level standard provides the learner with the information and skills to competently design and draw a simple oak frame structure.
- In development
- Interior systems
- Assured
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET1963
This standard is in development and will be published shortly
- Published
- Roofing (single ply)
- Assured
- £60 (Tier 1)
- GET1776
The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge of the design principles for single ply roofing.
- Published
- Roofing (liquid)
- Assured
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET1824
The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to install and repair: details, terminations, flashings, gutters, and night seals.
- Published
- Construction (common)
- Assured
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET3324
The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge on Detection of buried utilities for construction using electromagnetic location – EML Training
- Published
- Home building
- Assured
- £60 (Tier 1)
- GET1871
The purpose of training delivered against this standard is to provide candidates with an introduction to best practice in managing a site build programme.
- Published
- Leadership and management
- Assured
- £140 (Tier 2)
- GET3265
This standard is exclusively for use by Approved Training Organisations (ATOs). The purpose of this standard is to enable the delegate to develop knowledge and understanding of the role and responsibilities of a team leader and be able to improve personal performance